
Back to School Hiring Lessons

2022-08-31 16:03

Every recruiter is familiar with the concept of “Hiring Cycles” — it’s definitely the best time to hire, which depends on people’s political, economic and cultural lives.

New graduates get junior and intern job offers, and with each New Year celebration comes new budgets, funding, rounds of investment, so it causes expansion of teams, new technology opportunities, building a roadmap for the next year.

Recruiting is something that has changed rapidly in recent years, and will no doubt continue to adapt.

We offer to take a look back at some rituals we all performed before a new school year. Today, from an HR perspective.

1. You need to change your mindset.
There are big fresh new tasks ahead; without an internal drive to accomplish them as quickly, successfully, and with a new vision, nothing will work.

“Think different,” read the famous 1997 Apple ad. Great advice, surely, for all creators, innovators and entrepreneurs.

2It’s time to choose the “clothes” your friends, colleagues and competitors will see you in after the summer break.

Ask yourself: What does your hiring process say about you? Think about ways to look even more attractive and effective. Don’t forget to update your website and social media visuals!

3. To become friends with your teacher and classmates is another level of trust and interaction.

Giving current employees the opportunity to share their experiences is a great way to give an insider’s perspective on what it’s really like at your company.

💡 Ready to open a new role? Upload your vacancy at Heddo!
💡 Post an unlimited number of vacancies now and pay later — only when you get a match with a potential candidate!
By the way, Heddo collects experiences from job seekers and employers to put together a digest of success stories. If you have something to share, please send it to us via email or DM on socials.

4. Class Schedule!
Provide the candidate with an interview schedule with the names and positions and LinkedIn profiles of those with whom they will be interacting.

5. Homework:
Feel free to explain the “next steps” and be honest about the interview process and timeline with your candidate.

It is also very important to check the candidate’s references and clarify their employment history.

You’re almost ready for the school season!
Write in the comments which step you like best, or maybe we missed something? 👀